Have you ever been trying to figure out how to use public transportation to travel between two places in the Maritimes, and had a hard time knowing if you’d found all of the options? If so, you’d do well to check out the valuable online transportation planning resource that is now available in the form of “Go Maritimes”. Founded by Wayne Groszko and developed in partnership with a number of individuals and local organizations (including the Ecology Action Centre, Dalhousie University, and the Province of Nova Scotia) Go Maritimes aims to make it easier for people to find the schedules for buses, shuttles, trains and other transport services to plan their travel in Canada’s Maritime provinces.
Trying to plan travel using public transportation in many parts of the Maritimes can be a challenge, and that often begins with simply being unaware of what options exist. With Go Martimes, users can enter any two end point destinations (where public transportation options exist) in the Maritime provinces and their desired travel date, and the site will then present them with the various options available, including specific schedules and estimated costs.
For example, if one wished to travel from Halifax to Moncton on Dec. 18, Go Maritimes shows three different Maritime Bus departures and the one VIA Rail departure, along with the ticket prices and links to the respective websites to buy a ticket. For a different type of example, say you were interested in a trip between Baddeck and New Glasgow – Go Martimes shows two different shuttle companies along with Maritime Bus.
The site is constantly being added to and improved, and the team working on it are always looking for feedback from anyone who has suggestions on how to improve the site, or notices any errors in the information provided. A handy feedback button is included near the bottom of the main page of the website.
You can visit the site and try out the travel planning features at http://gomaritimes.ca/