In common with most other public gatherings throughout the region, Transport Action Atlantic’s annual general meeting, scheduled for May 2, had to be postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. Your executive subsequently tentatively rescheduled the AGM for Saturday, October 17, planned to coincide with the fall board meeting in Halifax.
Although the “Atlantic Bubble” has proven quite successful to date, given the increase in COVID-19 cases elsewhere in Canada, a further decision has now been made to err on the side of caution. Consequently, both TAA meetings will be virtual, and held through medium of ZOOM. Our vice-president and webmaster Tim Hayman has agreed to co-ordinate the technical arrangements, and further details will be forthcoming shortly via e-mail, on the TAA website, and through social media.
The AGM agenda normally includes annual reports and financial statements, appointment of an auditor, election of a board of directors, and any other business that may arise. However, given the exceptional circumstances this year, the executive has asked existing board members to remain in office until the spring of 2021. That said, there are vacancies presently existing which could be filled in the interim.
Current members of Transport Action Atlantic may nominate (with their consent) any other member in good standing for a position on the board. Nominations should be made in advance of the meeting, and may be submitted by mail to the TAA Nominating Committee, P.O.Box 268, Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y3, or by e-mail to atlantic@transportaction.ca
The virtual meeting may offer the opportunity for participation to members who are not normally in a position to attend the AGM. Please consider taking advantage of this possibility if you have access to the Internet. If you have an e-mail address, it is important to ensure that our membership records include this information. If you are uncertain, please contact our membership secretary Christine Mills Garnet by emailing atlantic@transportaction.ca without delay.
We look forward to seeing you online on October 17. No masks required.
Stay safe!